
To make the best/coolest/whateverist arrangement or remix of “The Chase”


  1. Start by making a copy of the original score (not required)
  2. You can collaborate (or not)
  3. It must be clear that the score is derived from “The Chase”
  4. You can do whatever you want with the tempo
  5. The song must be at least a minute long, but no more than four minutes long (I can be flexible)
  6. Entries due by August 18th
  7. We’ll publish all the entries on August 19th

Not required, but would be appreciated: Please share the score with me (as a read-only collaborator).


Thanks to the amazing people at Flat, the winner of this competition will get a free year of Flat Power (or to gift to someone if you already have a lifetime license).


I guess I’ll judge, or maybe I'll get some help. Who knows?